King Ramses II's family


Ramses II the Great had 200 wives and concubines, 96 sons and 60 daughters. Out of all the rulers of Egypt Ramses probably had one of the largest families, and chances are he probably had many more sons and daughters that he never knew about. Ramses' wives included Nefertari, Queen Istnofret, his two daughters, Binthanath and Merytamon, and the Hittite princess, Maathornefrure. Probably his favorite queen was Nefertari, who is probably the most well known due to her magnificent tomb in the Valley of Queens and her temple at Abu Simbel. 

Nefertari was Ramses first wife at the age of fifteen and provided him with his first male heir, Amunherkhepseshef. However in those days one-third of all children did not live past the age of fifteen, so obtaining a crown prince was not always easy. Twelve of Ramses oldest sons died before he did. Though Nerferati was the chief queen it was actually Isetnofret, another principal queen yet less favored then Nerferati, who produced the one that would inherit the throne, his son Merenptah.