Goddess Isis


Isis is the Egyptian goddess of Magic and Giver of Life


Goddess Isis is depicted as a woman wearing the solar disk between a pair of horns and a vulture headdress. Some times she is shown wearing the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt sporting a pair of ram’s horns or the feather of Ma’at. Isis was also shown as a woman, not a goddess, with a simple ordinary headdress and with a uraeus on her forehead.

Isis goddess was the sister of Osiris (who was also her husband), Nephthys and Seth, the daughter of Nut and Geb and the mother of Horus the Child
she is referred to as "The Mother of All Goddesses"
Although Isis was called the Mother of Life, she was also known as a death goddess or a
funerary goddess.
Her awesome powers, which included the resurrection of her husband, were recognized in the titles of "The Giver of Life" and "Goddess of Magic". She is known both as a creator and a destroyer.

The Love of Isis and Osiris

Isis and her brother Osiris, were recognized as husband and wife. Isis loved Osiris, but their brother Set (or Seth) was jealous of Osiris, and planned to kill him. Set tricked Osiris and murdered him, and Isis was highly distraught. She found Osiris' body within a great tree, which was used by the Pharaoh in his palace. She brought Osiris back to life, and the two of them conceived Horus.