God Osiris


Osiris was the god of resurrection, The Underworld and The Judge of the dead
Osiris god was not only a merciful judge of the dead in the afterlife, but also the underworld agency that granted all life.

Osiris god was the first child of Geb and Nut,
brother of Seth, Nephthys, and Isis who was also his wife. He was the father of Horus by Isis, the
father of Anubis by Nephthys


He is shown with black skin, representing dark, fertile soil, which brings forth new life, or green skin, representing green growth or sprouts

Osiris once ruled as king of Egypt, he was murdered by his evil brother Seth, and afterward came alive again in the underworld, and ruled as king. Following this pattern of death and rebirth, every dead king became Osiris when he died. Since Osiris came alive again in the underworld, his cult is tied to fertility