God Horus


The god Horus is one of the most famous gods of ancient Egypt.
Horus is the god of the sky, the creator (whose own birth was thought due to the Ogdoad).


Horus may have been known in many forms, but he was always depicted as a falcon, or as a falcon-headed man
In almost all variations, Horus was known as the patron saint of the existing pharaoh. In fact, the pharaoh was often referred to as the 'Living Horus'.
Horus is the son of Osiris and Isis. Osiris was slain by his adversary and brother, Seth, prior to the birth of Horus. Later he was believed to have avenged the death of his father. The war that ensued as a result of Horus' attempts to avenge his father lasted for eighty years, with mutual casualties occurring between the two ancient Egyptian gods. In one scenario, Seth even tore an eye from Horus. It is believed that this incident led to Horus' association with his one eyed symbol.
Unlike most Egyptian gods and goddesses who were worshipped at specific cult centers in Egypt, Horus seems to have enjoyed immense popularity throughout the Egyptian nation.